The Benefits of Acupuncture to Relieve Pain
As an ex-medical student the basis of acupuncture are understandable as alternative medicines are beneficial when the right ones are administered. When a slipped disc saw me in pain and nothing was relieving it a visit to a chiropractor/naturopath whom was known to me proved to be the answer. It was my first experience with acupuncture and other such methods of healing but the end result was great.
The needles do not hurt. In fact, one hardly knows they are in. Lying on the table relaxing was also a part of the therapy and the gentle music was putting me into a state of drowsiness. After half an hour or so the needles are removed and a gentle massage applied. This treatment went on three days a week for around three weeks and then twice a week for another three or four.
By the end the pain was gone and my back has been strong and able to support me with no problems ever since. Then my vet started administering it to animals who, like humans, get problems with their backs and also arthritis. So what is the healing properties of the treatment and how effective is it?
It is basically some 2,000 years old having originated in China it is used widely to treat physical, emotional, and mental problems. While it is not recognised by the medical profession as effective there are people like me who would differ with that judgment.
The Chinese base their knowledge on the body having what are term yin and yang properties. While it is a theory that emerged from Toaism it is based on the theory that everything in the universe has to sides opposing one another. To bring the body into balance these two sides are stimulated and that is when pain is released.
Whether this simple explanation is of benefit to the reader or not my suggestion is to try acupuncture for yourself and do some research. For me it not only worked but has sustained the healing over a number of years.
The needles do not hurt. In fact, one hardly knows they are in. Lying on the table relaxing was also a part of the therapy and the gentle music was putting me into a state of drowsiness. After half an hour or so the needles are removed and a gentle massage applied. This treatment went on three days a week for around three weeks and then twice a week for another three or four.
By the end the pain was gone and my back has been strong and able to support me with no problems ever since. Then my vet started administering it to animals who, like humans, get problems with their backs and also arthritis. So what is the healing properties of the treatment and how effective is it?
It is basically some 2,000 years old having originated in China it is used widely to treat physical, emotional, and mental problems. While it is not recognised by the medical profession as effective there are people like me who would differ with that judgment.
The Chinese base their knowledge on the body having what are term yin and yang properties. While it is a theory that emerged from Toaism it is based on the theory that everything in the universe has to sides opposing one another. To bring the body into balance these two sides are stimulated and that is when pain is released.
Whether this simple explanation is of benefit to the reader or not my suggestion is to try acupuncture for yourself and do some research. For me it not only worked but has sustained the healing over a number of years.
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