
The Benefits of Acupuncture to Relieve Pain

As an ex-medical student the basis of acupuncture are understandable as alternative medicines are beneficial when the right ones are administered. When a slipped disc saw me in pain and nothing was relieving it a visit to a chiropractor/naturopath whom was known to me proved to be the answer. It was my first experience with acupuncture and other such methods of healing but the end result was great. The needles do not hurt. In fact, one hardly knows they are in. Lying on the table relaxing was also a part of the therapy and the gentle music was putting me into a state of drowsiness. After half an hour or so the needles are removed and a gentle massage applied. This treatment went on three days a week for around three weeks and then twice a week for another three or four. By the end the pain was gone and my back has been strong and able to support me with no problems ever since. Then my vet started administering it to animals who, like humans, get problems with their backs and also...

Acne Treatment Made Possible

Acne is the most common skin condition faced by many teenagers in their teenage years, and can also occur on the skin of adults. It is commonly said that acne occurs mostly on females, which is entirely wrong. Acne is an overall problem as well by men at all stages of life. Some people have acne even when they passed their teenage and are still victims of acne when they have become adults. The reasons acne occurs in both men and women are quite different but sometimes they may also vary; for men, an abnormal production of some hormones may trigger acne. There are many causes that can trigger acne. It is possible for acne being mild, intense, or painful, depending on the skin condition and the kind of environment the person works in. Those who live and work in a polluted environment are more prone towards acne instead of those who work in a good clean environment. When the bacteria which is sebum, reacts on oily skin, it instantly starts to blog the pores on the skin surface and ca...

Scientists Breakthrough on Peanut Allergies

This has been hailed with excitement today as scientists announce that trials conducted to overcome peanut anaphylactic shock has been successful. Although it won't be available for some time for the general public they demonstrated that at their subjects are now free of the condition after the experiments ended. Children have reportedly died after coming into oral contact with the nut that has set up an immediate reaction. The danger they face is horrendous as they cannot eat anything from school canteens, in public restaurants, or anywhere else that may serve something that has nut residue in it. Even drinks are apparently not always advisable without they are known to be nut free. This has prompted manufacturers to label their products with a warning that they may have been in contact with peanuts or words to that effect. This puts a lot of stress on the shopper who must read every label to ensure the safety for such an allergy sufferer. While my health has always been ...